Journal Expectations

The scientific journal - CLIMATE CHANGE & CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Telecommunications and ICT, seeks to encourage research and publication of original articles that contribute to the adoption of the circular economy model, generate guidelines for policies and solutions for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, sustainable management of electrical and electronic waste, climate accounting, generation of products based on biomaterials, in the telecommunications sector, information technologies, related and complementary areas.


Who can post?

The scientific journal CLIMATE CHANGE & CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Telecomunications and TIC, is aimed at researchers, teachers, professionals, experts and students interested in stabilizing or publishing their research results on topics related to the role of ICT and telecommunications in the climate change, the circular economy, waste management of electrical and electronic equipment, climate accounting, as part of the actions that must be developed to save life on planet Earth.

What topics are accepted?

Given its scientific nature, the journal CLIMATE CHANGE & CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Telecommunications and ICT, gives priority to the following types of articles: original research results, experimentation, states of art that include exhaustive reserves of literature, case studies, when they mean a contribution to knowledge either through the application of innovative methodologies or techniques and/or through the formulation of new research hypotheses.

The focus areas of the journal are:

  • Framework of Policies and Regulation of Climate Change and the Circular Economy in the Telecommunications, Information Technology and Communications (Telecommunications and ICT) sector.

  • Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change.

  • Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management – WEEEM

  • Training of Human Talent to face Climate Change

  • Financing Solutions to Climate Change

    For more detail on the focus areas click here.


It circulates annually in electronic format with free access at


Open Access Policy

The Scientific Journal- CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO & ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR: Telecomunicaciones y TIC uses the Budapest Open Access Initiative To provide open access to the scientific articles published here so that they are free for the public who wishes to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or use them legally for any other purpose, with the sole condition of giving authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly recognized and cited.

Copyright Agreement

The Scientific Journal- CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO & ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR: Telecomunicaciones y TIC states that this work can be reproduced, distributed and communicated publicly in digital format for non-commercial purposes, provided that the name of the authors and CITIC are recognized.

CITIC does not retain rights to published works and declares that the contents are the sole responsibility of the authors, who retain their moral and economic rights. Authors must grant endorsement to review and disseminate without requiring transfer of rights.

CITIC and the CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO & ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR: Telecomunicaciones y TIC Journal is free of any liability arising from ethical misconduct by the authors. The journal is not obliged to modify articles already published. However, in case of retractions or corrections of errors by the authors, the corrected article will be published in a following number, having complied with the evaluation and payment process. In case of errors presented during the editing process, the journal will publish the corrections at no cost to the authors.

No content published in the magazine will generate royalties for its authors.